Blogs - Car Dealership Marketing

automotive marketing

How AI Can Tailor Your Marketing Messages to Every Customer

Unleashing the Power of Personalisation: How AI Can Tailor Your Marketing Messages to Every Customer In today’s digital age, consumers expect a Personalised experience. Gone are the days of generic marketing messages that fall flat. The key to success lies in understanding your audience and tailoring your marketing efforts to...
Automotive digital marketing

Revamping Your Dealership Website for the Modern Car Buyer: A Guide to Attract and Convert

Revamping Your Dealership Website for the Modern Car Buyer: A Guide to Attract and Convert The modern car buyer is tech-savvy and expects a seamless digital experience throughout their journey. If your dealership website feels outdated or clunky, it could be costing you valuable leads and sales. In today’s competitive...

The Power of Automotive Digital Marketing in Car Dealership Strategies

The Power of Automotive Digital Marketing in Car Dealership Strategies In the digital age, automotive digital marketing has become a driving force behind the success of car dealerships. Traditional marketing methods are no longer sufficient in a world where consumers conduct extensive research online before setting foot in a showroom...

Revolutionising Car Dealership Marketing with Advanced Technology

Revolutionising Car Dealership Marketing with Advanced Technology The automotive industry is evolving at a rapid pace, and so is the way car dealerships market their products and services. In the digital age, traditional marketing strategies are no longer sufficient to capture the attention of tech-savvy consumers. To thrive in this...

Driving the Future: How Virtual Reality (VR) Showrooms Are Revolutionising Car Shopping

Driving the Future: How Virtual Reality (VR) Showrooms Are Revolutionising Car Shopping In the fast-paced world of the automotive industry, staying ahead of the competition is essential for car dealerships. As technology continues to advance, car buyers’ expectations are changing. They want more than just brochures and test drives; they...
chatbots for lead generation

Implementing Chatbots For Lead Generation And Customer Service In Car Dealerships

In the highly competitive world of car dealerships, effective lead generation and exceptional customer service are crucial for success. One technology that has emerged as a game-changer in these areas is chatbots. Chatbots, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), have the potential to revolutionise car dealership operations by providing instant responses...
PPC advertising - Google Ads

Leveraging Google Ads For Car Dealership Marketing

Effective marketing is crucial for car dealerships to attract customers and increase sales. In today’s digital age, online advertising platforms offer immense potential for reaching target audiences. Among these platforms, Google Ads stands out as a powerful tool for car dealership marketing. This blog aims to provide insights and strategies...
VR/AR - man wearing vr goggles

Utilising Virtual And Augmented Reality (VR/AR) In Car Dealership Marketing

The automotive industry is no stranger to innovation, and in today’s digital age, car dealership marketing is undergoing a transformation. Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies are revolutionising the way car dealerships engage with customers, offering immersive experiences that go beyond traditional methods. In this blog post, we will explore...
Social media marketing

Best Practices For Social Media Marketing In The Car Dealership Industry

In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their target audience and drive engagement. The car dealership industry is no exception, as social media platforms offer an effective way to showcase inventory, build brand awareness, and attract potential customers. In this blog...
local seo and business listings concept

How To Utilise Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Car Dealership Marketing

Local SEO is the process of optimising a business’s website to appear in local search engine results. It focuses on increasing visibility in local searches related to the company’s products and services. Local SEO is an important part of marketing for any business that serves customers in a particular geographic...
woman designing a good looking dealership website

Create a Stunning Website for Your Car Dealership in 5 Easy Steps

Are you ready to get your car dealership online and start selling more cars? Creating a website doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right guidance, you can create a stunning car dealership website for your business in five simple steps. In this blog post, we’ll show you...
people creating a user-friendly website with a good user interface

The Importance Of A User-Friendly Website For Car Dealership Marketing

In the competitive world of online car dealership marketing, having a user-friendly website is essential for success. A user-friendly website will help car dealerships attract new customers, increase their sales, and engage with their existing customers. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of having a user-friendly website for...
man in a car dealership that uses email marketing

Email Marketing Tactics For Car Dealerships To Increase Sales

Email marketing has become an essential part of any marketing strategy, and car dealerships are no exception. With email marketing, car dealerships can reach out to potential customers, build relationships with existing customers, and promote their products and services. Email marketing offers a cost-effective way to reach a large audience...

Keep Car Sales Up This January

Keep Car Sales Up This January January is always a difficult period for car sales, as well as for other businesses and for customers. After the high costs that families can often accrue during the run up to Christmas, as well as on the day. Because of this, January is...
car parts shop dealer planning newsletter

3 Ways a Newsletter Can Help Your Dealership

Here’s How Newletters Can Elevate Your Car Dealership Newsletters are a great way to get people involved with your brand and catch their attention, as well as help persuade people to interact with your services or products as well as simply consuming information or browsing. Newsletters are a great way...
male driver in dealership advertising campaign

Are you visible to buyers searching for their next vehicle?​

Are you visible to buyers searching for their next vehicle?​ When people search online for a vehicle, they very rarely search for a specific brand or dealer. They are simply looking for a product. Because of this, it is vitally important that your marketing strategy takes this into account, so...
Dealership - list them on Google Business Profile

Register Your Car Dealership on Google Business Profile

Register Your Car Dealership on Google Business Profile Google Business Profile (f.k.a. Google My Business) is a free tool provided by Google that allows a business to manage its profile across Google. This is a tool that is especially useful for local google search and google maps because it allows...

Grow Dealerships Without Classified Motor Sites | Dealer Buzz

It’s not easy to grow dealerships without classified motor sites these days. Car dealers are always under pressure of competing with classified websites like Auto Trader, Ebay and motors, which kills the confidence of dealers  and forces them to carry on  using classified websites’ service even when their cost is...

Google Satellite Map Reveals the Used Car Stock Held by Top Car Supermarkets.

Un-natural links is the hot topic and new challenge for SEO world.   In the past we SEO people use everything we could use to build link when Google told us that link is important for ranking.  Unfortunately we didn’t listen carefully that actually Google was referring to natural links but...

Advantages of Selling a Car Online

There are different ways of getting rid of your old vehicle. Saving time on the job is the biggest challenge for people today, as they want to find ways to do it in the best  possible way.   Using Classified Ads Online If you are going to sell your car...

Social Media Marketing Lessons Learned from Ford

Social Media Marketing Lessons Learned from Ford Ford currently occupies the enviable position of being the UK’s biggest car and commercial vehicle brand. Such a valuable reputation must be carefully protected and developed, especially in the social media savvy world of 2014. In a recent article in The Guardian, Scott Monty...

How to Grow Facebook Followers and Likes

First of all it’s important that you plan to grow Facebook fans for the right reason. Don’t waste time in building fans just because of your competitors who are smaller in size but have more fans. WRONG. Facebook fans should be treated as business networking or similar email subscribing which...

Best Practices: How to use twitter to promote your automotive business?

Best Practices: How to use twitter to promote your automotive business? The perfect profile Do not underestimate the importance of your Twitter profile. This is the first area your followers will see and first impressions, as you are aware, are very important. Make your profile as useful as possible. If...

Unnatural Links and How Best to Manage Them – 3 Tips to Repair Damage Caused by Bad Links

Un-natural links is the hot topic and new challenge for SEO world.   In the past we SEO people use everything we could use to build link when Google told us that link is important for ranking.  Unfortunately we didn’t listen carefully that actually Google was referring to natural links but...

Strategic SEO guide for automotive websites

Strategic SEO guide for automotive websites SEO marketing is critical, not just for car dealerships, but for any website. To achieve good results from SEO it’s important that you have a clear understanding of why you want to do SEO and what you want to get out of it. Without such insight...

14 Best WordPress Plugins to Automate Your SEO Efforts

14 Best SEO Plugins on WordPress to Automate Your Optimitsation Efforts Are you tired of optimising your WordPress blog or site manually and need help to automate the SEO efforts. Well there are 1000s of plugins available for this, which I am sure is another challenge.  So to help out...

10 business lessons I learnt from driving

10 business lessons I learnt from driving Why is driving a car like running a business? Here are ten aspects of driving a car that are important to remember on the road. And ten ways in which they can be applied to running a business. 1. I lose concentration when...

How to Work With and Around Google’s New 100% Secure Google Secure Search

How to Work With and Around Google’s New 100% Secure Google Secure Search Two years after making one of the biggest changes to secure search that resulted in a steady rise in “(not provided)” data, Google has now switched all searches over to encrypted searches using HTTPS. Before, Google only used to...

How dealers are handling their website SEO

How dealers are handling their website SEO Everyone makes mistakes, and we can learn from them so that we never make the same one again. But why do we make mistakes that other businesses have already made? Is it that we can only learn from our own mistakes, or rather...

Social Media Marketing Explained for Car Dealerships

Social media has experienced a meteoric rise over in the past few years, going from a social experiment by a group of college students to a worldwide communication phenomenon. Businesses have recognised its potential for interacting with customers and more and more deals are being done online than ever before...

How to Grow your Dealership with Twitter

The biggest benefit of Twitter is that it allows anyone to engage with everyone on the network. You don’t need to be a fan, or even a follower to reach out to someone in real time — just find someone you’re interested in and send them a “mention.” Here are a few Twitter marketing...

What to do when you receive an unnatural link message in a Google webmaster account?

Un-natural links is the hot topic and new challenge for SEO world.   In the past we SEO people use everything we could use to build link when Google told us that link is important for ranking.  Unfortunately we didn’t listen carefully that actually Google was referring to natural links but...

Seven WordPress Plugins for car Dealerships

Our clients from the Automotive industry often ask us to recommend useful wordpress plugins for car dealerships that can help them manage and develop their website and product mix more effectively So I thought I would put together few plugins and share it with you, my wider audience. But I...

What are Google Adwords Enhanced Campaigns and how dealers can benefit?

Google’s AdWords tool has become one of the most effective tools in the digital marketing mix for car dealerships looking to connect with local customers in real time.  Google’s flagship product has enabled dealers to create highly targeted, concise advertisements that appear directly in front of potential real-time customers looking to buy or sell...

How car dealers can make the most of online marketing

To paraphrase Jane Austen, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a business in possession of products or services worth promoting must be in want of a website. Most car dealers do have  their own website – it is an absolutely crucial tool in this age of digital marketing and online communication...

Five Really Cool Website extras you should be crying out for

Five really cool website extras you should be crying out for In this age of the internet and online communications, it goes without saying that a business that wants to attract customers must have a website. Yet what do you do with it once you have got it up and...

How to buy a used car without getting tricked into choosing a dud?

In times of financial pressure, people inevitably become much cannier when considering larger purchases. As a result, private sellers and car supermarkets have sprung up all over the country, selling good quality, second hand vehicles at affordable prices. So, how do you choose the right car without being – pardon the...

Dos and don’ts for a successful car salesman

For most people, selling is an inevitable part of daily life, whether it is part of someone’s job or a necessary aspect of entering the supermarket. Yet for those not conversant in the ‘tricks of the trade’, selling something large such as a second hand vehicle can appear daunting. If you...