14 Best SEO Plugins on WordPress to Automate Your Optimitsation Efforts
Are you tired of optimising your WordPress blog or site manually and need help to automate the SEO efforts. Well there are 1000s of plugins available for this, which I am sure is another challenge. So to help out, we are going to go over 14 highly recommended SEO plugins that you should use to automate optimisation efforts and boost your search rankings.
1. WordPress SEO by Yoast
You can use this tool to analyse your content from SEO point of view.
Few key features of this tool include;
- Keyword Density: The amount of times a keyword appears in the content. It’s important to have your targeted keyword included in content and this tool can help you check this.
- Position of keyword: Where it appears. There are few positions on page more important than others. For example main headings, sub headings, first paragraph. This tool canhelp you see if you are targeted keyword is included in key positions or not.
- Are the keywords being used in a incorrect way . Is your content repeating the same keyword again and again or use variation, is it same order as users search. Find all this and more with Yoast SEO plugin.
- Snippet – Provide you with a snippet of how your results will look when other see it in Google’s SERPS.
- Other features – this is really versatile tool and can help you in variety of ways e.g.
- Meta & Link Elements analysis
- RSS Optimization
- Breadcrumbs
- Social Integration
- Multi-Site Compatible
2. Jetpack by WordPress
Jetpack is a WordPress plugin that supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of WordPress.com.
Jetpack plugin offers endless benefits e.g.
- integrated comment system for social networks
- automatic publishing to social networks
- spell checker,
- Twitter widget,
- shortcodes generator
- generator short links
3. All in One SEO Pack
As the name suggests it is all in one.. Instead of installing various plugins to look after different aspects of SEO, you can install “All in one SEO pack” Plugin that optimises the site automatically.
Key features of All in One SEO Pack
- XML Sitemap support – submit your sitemap to Google and Bing and improve your SEO
- Google Analytics support
- Support for SEO on Custom Post Types
- Advanced Canonical URLs
- Fine tune Page Navigational Links
- Built-in API so other plugins/themes can access and extend functionality
- ONLY plugin to provide SEO Integration for WP e-Commerce sites
- Nonce Security built into All in One SEO Pack
- Support for CMS-style WordPress installations
- Automatically optimizes your titles for Google and other search engines
- Generates META tags automatically
- Avoids the typical duplicate content found on WordPress blogs
- For beginners, you don’t even have to look at the options, it works out-of-the-box. Just install.
- For advanced users, you can fine-tune everything to optimize your SEO
- You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you want.
- Compatibility with many other plugins
4. SEO Friendly Image
SEO Friendly Images is a WordPress SEO plugin which automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes for SEO purposes.
If your images do not have ALT and TITLE already set, SEO Friendly Images will add them according the options you set. Additionally this makes the post W3C/xHTML valid as well.
Most of websites even don’t bother optimising the images, ignoring the factors that this content can generate lots of traffic. SEO friendly image not just can help you optimise those images automatically and save time but bring them at top visibility in images search.
5. Google Analyticator
This plugin enables you to see your website or blog traffic in your WordPress dashboard areas.
Google Analyticator Has the Following Features:
- Supports standard Google Analytics tracking via the latest async tracking methods (faster and more reliable than the older ga.js tracking method)
- Includes an admin dashboard widget that displays a graph of the last 30 days of visitors, a summary of site usage, the top pages, the top referrers, and the top searches
- Includes a widget that can be used to display visitor stat information on the front-end
- Supports outbound link tracking of all links on the page, including links not managed by WordPress
- Supports download link tracking
- Supports event tracking with outbound links / downloads instead of the old pageview tracking method
- Support site speed tracking
- Allows hiding of Administrator visits without affecting Google Analytics’ site overlay feature
- Supports any advanced tracking code Google provides
- Installs easily – unlike other plugins, the user doesn’t even have to know their Analytics UID
- Provides complete control over options; disable any feature if needed
- Supports localization – get the settings page in your language of choice
6. SEO Content Control
SEO Content Control helps you deal with kind of ‘Panda’ issues. It helps you to keep track, which of your posts have too little content, and shows, where an excerpt or a meta description is missing. This will go through all your website / blog content and highlight the pieces considered weak in SEO. This gives you the detail to improve the weak areas so then your site can get ranked high. Plus point is that it not just tells about weak areas but also give you a reason for this. So this tool gives you perfect chance to learn optimisation.
7. LinkWithin
LinkWithin is a blog widget that appears under each post, linking to related stories from your blog archive.
If you are a heavy blogger and write new content on daily or regular basis, chances are you are not giving enough visibility to your fresh content on your site.
This tool retrieve and index all stories from your blog archive, not just recent stories, making them accessible to new or casual readers of your blog who would not otherwise encounter them.
The widget is free and ad-free. It takes a minute to get the widget up and running on your blog, no signup required!
8. Broken Link Checker
- Monitors links in your posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and custom fields (optional).
- Detects links that don’t work, missing images and redirects.
- Notifies you either via the Dashboard or by email.
- Makes broken links display differently in posts (optional).
- Prevents search engines from following broken links (optional).
- You can search and filter links by URL, anchor text and so on.
- Links can be edited directly from the plugin’s page, without manually updating each post.
- Highly configurable.
9. SEO Facebook Comments
SEO Facebook Comments embeds a Facebook Comment Form on your blog and also looks at each of your blog posts searching for Facebook Comments already posted. All new found comments will be added to WordPress Database.
Normally the Facebook comment system is embed into your page through an iframe. Because of that Google can’t read those comments or associate then with your page.
This plugin changes all that by adding and loading all the comments on your page through your WordPress Database like the rest of your site.
So lots of fresh content will be added on your blog automatically. Great SEO benefit
10. SQUIRRLY – WordPress SEO News
The only Content Marketing Tool that allows you to optimize content and measure its success.
Optimize your SEO content and receive an SEO audit from this plugin. While Squirrly has a paid plugin that starts at $9.99 – there is a free version of this plugin as well. The premium version allows you to measure your progress and gives you 30 optimizations with a live assistant.
11. Ultimate NoFollow
Adds a checkbox in the insert link popup box for including rel=”nofollow” in links as you create them; as well as other tools that provides
This plugin contains several tools in one package to significantly increase your control of the rel=”nofollow” tag on every link on your blog, on both an individual and categorical basis. It is designed to give you fine-grained control of linking for SEO purposes.
The plugin’s main features are:
- The addition of a nofollow checkbox when inserting links in posts
- Several nofollow shortcodes
- A nofollow option for individual blogroll links
- Or a nofollow for all blogroll links option
- Add or remove the nofollow tag from all links in comments
12. WP Super Cache
This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.
99% of your visitors will be served static html files
This ensure a better website load speed, which these days considered as one of the Key SEO factors
You can also try W3 Total Cache
13. Category SEO Meta Tags
This plugin will allow you to add meta tags for categories, tag pages and custom taxonomies.
14. SEO Smart Links
SEO Smart Links has lots of automatic SEO benefits, such as keyword lists and nofollow. It can also automatically link keywords and phrases for your blog posts and comments to the corresponding posts, categories and tags from your blog.
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