Auto Trader South Africa

Case study #1 – SEO AUDIT

Auto Trader South Africa

Our brief

Auto Trader ZA is a leading website for selling used and new cars in South Africa. The team behind it was keen to understand further how to capitalise on SEO gaps and opportunities to increase interest and sales. Q-Online was asked to run a detailed SEO audit to provide informed information and advice, and to work with the team to develop and execute a new SEO strategy.

What we did

After carrying out thorough research across the Auto Trader ZA website, we delivered a comprehensive SEO audit, submitting a detailed document of more than 100 pages. Content covered the following areas:

  • Website UX issues affecting both SEO and conversion rates
  • Content length, quality and tone of voice
  • Technical data and website performance
  • Benchmarking, authority and visibility share
  • SEO optimisation opportunities and analysis

Project results

The SEO audit paved the way for a full development project for Auto Trader ZA. Q-Online was invited to work with leading website agency, ThoughtWorks to put the recommendations made in the audit document into practice. All issues were resolved within four months and the website was fully optimised for SEO, bringing in new visitors and sales leads.

We also worked with Auto Trader ZA’s in-house teams to deliver a clear SEO strategy, including KPIs and targets in order to equip them with everything they needed to take over the action plan and produce SEO-friendly content. This also included delivering training to help the company’s content writers, developers and other stakeholders apply best SEO practices in their individual areas. Overall, the project helped Auto Trader ZA achieve and maintain top search engine positions under all of its strategically important keywords. This increased visibility and helped direct even more traffic to the website.